If you need to re-enter your credit card details, here’s an explanation

We’ve made a careful and secure switch to a new payment gateway. A small minority of credit cards were left behind.
It’s always been smart to add Server Management and save time and stress. But did you know that it’s been getting smarter every year?
Web developers report incredible gains for clients who switched from custom hosting to High Performance Cloud Containers.
An upcoming change will streamline how we handle low disk space on Cloud Containers, preventing disruptions with our new automated process.
A number of our customers are reporting phishing emails that link to a replica of our payments page. Please take care.
Over the coming holidays phone support hours will be shortened, work on support tickets will keep happening but on a reduced roster, and we’ll be available 24/7 for emergencies.
When his web design agency saw SEO vendors keeping clients in the dark, Joseph Marinovic saw an opportunity for transparency.
Our free 2025 t-shirt celebrates your community and, in a SiteHost first, lets people choose their shirt colour too.
Our most predictable suppliers have upped their prices again. So we are reluctantly announcing new prices for domains including .com, as well as cPanel and Plesk licences.
Fake emails claim that SiteHost customers need to increase their email storage. The senders hope to harvest your login details.
We built it for High Performance Virtual Servers, and now our new virtualisation technology enables new features on Cloud Containers and other servers too.
Custom SSL Certificates have moved up the ranks and can now be managed from the top level of the Control Panel.
The world’s largest cloud providers are coming to New Zealand. They’ll bring a tangle of legal obligations that talk of “data residency” can’t hide.