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Talking solar power with Canterbury Tech

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Video re-cap: Yesterday I was invited to present our 'Journey to a Solar-Powered Cloud' at Canterbury Tech's Lunchtime Tech Session for April, with a wide-ranging Q&A afterwards.
The SiteHost building, seen from air, with over 300 solar panels on the roof.

We've been running our own urban solar farm since 2021, but it wasn't just a simple case of throwing some panels on our roof and flicking a switch. Yesterday Canterbury Tech asked me to Zoom into their Lunchtime Tech Session and share a few details about the project - how we went about it, and what the overall effect have been on our energy mix and our business.

Since our data centre is a consistent user of electricity, this is an investment that has continued to make environmental and economic sense - even as the Auckland weather has meant that we haven't always matched the numbers from year one. My full 20-minute rundown is in the video below, along with a Q&A that covered everything from the New Zealand's SaaS industry to our team culture here at SiteHost.
