News articles

Unite against Covid-19.

COVID-19 Update

/ News

COVID-19 is impacting everyone in different ways and presenting unique challenges, we wanted to share what it means for SiteHost and the services that you have with us.


Get Ready – Browser TLS Support is Changing

/ Cloud Containers

Browsers are about to change what versions of TLS they support. Make sure you're ready for this change and learn how Cloud Containers makes this easy.


Are You Using Two Factor Authentication? You should be

/ News

You may think your password is secure, but it's not. Read on to learn about 2FA.

A building roof with Google's logo.

Google Chrome and the mystery of ‘mixed content’...

/ Technical

Google Chrome will soon start blocking 'mixed content'. In this article we will explain what 'mixed content' is and what to do about it.

AMD Epyc hardware.

AMD Updates

/ News

At Computex 2019, AMD announced some interesting insights and updates.

cPanel interface on three different screens.

cPanel’s New Pricing Structure

/ News

cPanel recently announced a new pricing structure. This article will provide some clarity and context.


Microarchitectural Data Sampling

/ News

A vulnerability in Intel processors has been disclosed, and is known as Microarchitectural Data Sampling (MDS) or ZombieLoad.


The Big Control Panel Update

/ News

After more than a decade our Control Panel is getting a big refresh.

2019 SiteHost t-shirts.

New SiteHost Shirt (2019 Edition)

/ News

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