From today, all credit card payments will be handled by a new payment gateway. We switched because our previous gateway was about to impose some unwanted changes. Almost every credit card was securely migrated and will continue working as usual, but a small number of customers will need to re-enter their card details. Sorry for the hassle.
Virtual servers now offer access to the Control Panel's 'Firewall' module and, with that, the ability to restrict network traffic using two systems that you can read about in the Knowledge Base: Security Groups and Server Firewalls.
The Knowledge Base search bar hasn't always been great at returning the page that you're looking for, so we've replaced its brain. A new, internally trained, private AI-powered semantic search mechanism is now at your service. We've already road-tested on our internal documentation system, so we know you're in good hands.
There is a new SSL Certificates module in the Control Panel menu. While Cloud Containers' automatic SSL certificate feature is enough for most of you, there are times when custom certificates are still the way to go. So we've made it easier to import them into the Control Panel for easy management. You can also order new certificates, then download and deploy them any time. Read more in the blog and Knowledge Base.
Some TLDs like .biz
and .co
apply premium (i.e. higher) pricing to selected domains. Premium domains are now tagged in the Control Panel, and you'll see their actual prices rather than the standard price for that TLD. There’s more about registering and managing Premium Domains in the Knowledge Base and a general explainer on the blog.
We've made some improvements to the Domains area of the Control Panel. Look in a domain's "Name Servers" tab to see all DNS Zones which match the domain. We also added the domain history to every page so you don't have to go hunting for it, and some other small tweaks. Small improvements add up!
Some people appreciate a lot of notice before their domains expire, while others would rather not have quite so many reminders fill up their inbox. So warnings when there are 1, 15, and 60 days to go are all now optional. If you auto-renew domains, another new setting lets you decide whether to receive an email 7 days beforehand. Find all of this under Account > Preferences, and read more in the Knowledge Base.
View any Cloud Container or Cloud Container Server through the SiteHost Control Panel, and you'll see a new metrics widget near the top of screen. Take a quick glance at CPU, memory, disk and load, or click the widget to open your full Metrics suite in a new tab. (This update removes the old "Graphs" tab.) Catch up on the launch of this new Metrics interface in the blog.
A boost to the Control Panel's accessibility and usability, thanks to improved colour contrast in elements like the navigation, buttons, and tiles.
Take a look at your list of Cloud Container SSH users and you'll notice that it's had a bit of a tidy-up. As well as visual changes, like switching the 'User Type' to an icon, we've added more details. Now you can see the keys that each user has, without having to click into each one. We've had a lot of requests for this update so we're stoked to deliver it.
If you manage DNS Zones via the SiteHost Control Panel, DNS changes will now show under Account > Activity Logs. There's a full run-down of DNS management in the Knowledge Base.