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We're making another shirt!

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After the great success of our previous t-shirt, we're making another one, and once again it's free!
2017 SiteHost t-shirt.

Orders are now closed, sorry.

SiteHost Shirt, Round 2

When we set out last year to make a t-shirt for the team we figured that if it was a cool design our customers might like them too, especially if they were free. Turns out our suspicions were correct. The t-shirt was a huge success – we've been sent photos of people wearing them all across New Zealand and around the world. One of our favourites is at the Grand Canyon! We get a real kick every time we see one of you wearing them, so we decided to do it again.

Below you can see us modelling the new t-shirt – totally not a photoshopped professional model from Google at all. You can also read a bit more about the design and when you can expect to get your shirt, but if you’re in a hurry you can go ahead and order yours now.

The Design

Just like our first t-shirt we have tried to create a design that people will want to wear and that still has subtle ties to what we do as well as our brand.

This time the design features what we’re calling the ‘Digital Tree’. We like to think it represents how technology impacts all of our lives (hopefully positively) and to SiteHost providing digital roots that help you all build successful, growing businesses. Mostly though, we think it looks cool.

For production we will be going with high quality shirts, provided by AS Colour. They do some great 100% cotton t-shirts and they have great company values.

Ordering & Delivery

Last time round we ran out of certain sizes/cuts much faster than we expected, so we’re doing things differently. Rather than playing the guessing game we’re going to take requests in advance and print the shirts to order.

You’ll be waiting longer for your t-shirt this way (probably a few weeks) but it means we can look after everyone who wants one and avoid any wastage. Plus, it will be a nice surprise for you when it arrives!