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The annual cPanel and Plesk price rise strikes again

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WebPros have informed us that cPanel, Plesk, and CloudLinux will be more expensive from January 2024. It's an annual event. As always, Cloud Containers offer a way out.

Prices for both cPanel and Plesk are due to increase, again, next year. This news is annoying, we know. Sadly it has been clear for years that WebPros, the owners of both platforms, are going to keep doing this.

We never enjoy it when we have to put prices up for our customers. But when our costs go up there aren't ever any good options.

New prices, effective 1 January 2024


A new tier, cPanel Plus Cloud, is coming in 2024. This includes up to 50 licenses, and sits nicely between Pro (30 licenses) and Premier (100).



Old price

New price

cPanel Solo




cPanel Admin Cloud

Up to 5



cPanel Pro Cloud

Up to 30



cPanel Plus Cloud (new)

Up to 50



cPanel Premier Cloud

Up to 100



Extra sites

After first 100






Old price

New price

Plesk Web Admin Edition

Up to 10



Plesk Web Pro Edition

Up to 30



Plesk Web Host Edition for VPS




Plesk Web Host Edition for Dedicated Servers





While CloudLinux isn't a WebPros product they supply most of the CloudLinux licenses that we issue, bundled with either cPanel or Plesk.


Old price

New price

CloudLinux License



A pattern with no end in sight

Annual price rises have been a fixture since 2019. There aren't many platforms like cPanel and Plesk, and ever since they were both snapped up by the same investor it has been very clear where the market power lies. We've blogged about all this before:

August 2019: "When a Private Equity firm gets involved in a business, some changes can be expected one way or another."

December 2021: "We don’t enjoy it when costs go up, but after three price increases in three years it appears WebPros have a plan and they’re going to stick to it. If things are working well for you it isn’t necessary to jump to something new right away. But it is sensible to have an exit plan."

November 2022: "cPanel and Plesk price rises have become one of our least favourite end-of-year traditions...This news might not surprise you."

Could Cloud Containers be your offramp?

It's smart to anticipate the day when WebPros finally push things too far. What will you do when the economics of cPanel or Plesk don't stack up?

For a lot of our customers, the answer is hosting in Cloud Containers. This is a flexible platform that we built and maintain without any WebPros licensing involved. It's our more popular solution for a reason. Take a look today, or get in touch to discuss options for the future.