Opinion articles


When you're serious about AI, it makes sense to host your own

/ Products

Your own dedicated AI Hosting makes everything, from experimenting to budgeting, easier.


Lessons from years of AWS cost management

/ Opinion

Optimising AWS bills is never easy. Not even if, like our Product and Automation Lead, Ben, you've helped customers save thousands every month.

An overseas migration.

Another hosting company goes Crazy

/ News

Openhost, once an NZ-owned success story, is disappearing. Will customers stay local?


Hosting is Becoming a Global Game in a Time of Support Local

/ Opinion

Acquisitions have once again changed the landscape. Quintin, our co-founder, takes a look at the NZ web hosting industry.

A smart speaker in a home.

Voice Search - What Is It & Is It Relevant (yet)?

/ Technical

You might have heard of the Amazon Echo or the Google Home. In this blog post we'll look at what Voice Assistants, and Voice Search, could mean for your business.