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Articles by James


Microarchitectural Data Sampling

/ News

A vulnerability in Intel processors has been disclosed, and is known as Microarchitectural Data Sampling (MDS) or ZombieLoad.


TLS 1.0

/ Technical

TLS 1.0 is being deprecated. What does this mean, and what do I need to do to be ready?

Linux pengiun.

Meltdown: How to Protect Your Linux Server

/ Technical

Meltdown is a serious vulnerability that has recently been disclosed. This article outlines how to make sure your Linux server is safe.

Microsoft Windows logo.

Meltdown: How to Protect Your Windows Server

/ Technical

Meltdown is a serious vulnerability that has recently been disclosed. This article outlines how to make sure your Windows server is safe.


Large Scale Cyberattack Underway

/ News

A widespread cyberattack is currently (as of 13 May 2017) underway on Windows-based servers and desktops across the globe. Here's what you should know.

A person using WordPress.

WordPress 4.7.2

/ News

A new version of WordPress has just been released, fixing some critical issues - here's how you can update your installation.


2016: The Year in Review & New Features

/ News

We take a quick look back at what happened for SiteHost in 2016 and run through a couple of new features, Windows Server 2016 and custom images for Cloud Containers.

Developers' code.

Dirty COW: What You Need to Know

/ Technical

A serious vulnerability in the Linux kernel has been identified. Here's what we're doing about it, and what you should do as well.


HTTPoxy and You: A Summary

/ Technical

An old exploit has reappeared - here's what we have done and what you need to know about it.