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VPS Plan Upgrades

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Today after many hours of hard work by our operations team, we are excited to announce disk upgrades across the whole range of our Linux VPS plans.

As of today we are tripling the base storage on all Linux VPS plans. You get the same fast SSD storage, just a whole bunch more, for free. This takes our smallest plan from 5GB to 15GB and our largest plan to a whopping 360GB.

To apply the extra disk to your servers, login to the Control Panel and follow the upgrade steps in our knowledge base. If we manage your servers for you simply get in touch and we will arrange a time that suits for us to complete this upgrade.

These bigger plans may also mean that some of you will no longer need to pay for extra storage space, making now a good time to review your storage requirements. As always, our support team are available to answer any questions you might have and advise on any changes to your server or billing.

It’s great to have these new plans out the door after the many hours the operations team have put in to make this happen. Thank you for your patience during the maintenance windows building up to this and we hope you enjoy that extra storage!