Release Notes

05 December 2023

  • API tweaks to container end points and docs

    A few updates for users of the SiteHost API, mostly concerning dates on container end points. First, you can now see the created and date_updated information for container servers via the cloud/server/list_all endpoint. Secondly, the cloud/server/list_all, cloud/stack/list_all and cloud/stack/image/list_all endpoints now let you pass an updated_since parameter to only return items that have been modified on or after the specified date. All these changes are noted in our API documentation which has also had a once-over to fix some mistakes and clarify example code.

06 September 2023

  • New "Admin" privilege

    A new "Admin" privilege can be assigned to Contacts in your SiteHost account. Admins can customise Module access of other users, and can control some security settings - like upcoming changes to our 2FA feature...

13 June 2023

  • Private Cloud Disk Upgrades

    We've fixed an issue that was preventing Private Cloud customers upgrading disk space on their Virtual Servers and Cloud Containers running on private hardware nodes via the Control Panel or API.

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