Release Notes

27 May 2024

  • Bulk transfer NZ domains

    Got a lot of NZ domains with another registrar? You can now transfer them all to us in one fell swoop. If convenience has been putting off your switch, now is a good time! The Knowledge Base explains how it works.

20 May 2024

  • Cloud Container backups tell you the image at the time

    When you view your list of Cloud Container backups, you'll now see what image the container was running at the time. If you want to restore a backup that was taken before the image was upgraded or changed, we recommend changing the image back before restoring. See how to restore a Cloud Container backup in the Knowledge Base.

13 May 2024

  • "Production mode" setting for managed Cloud Containers

    If we manage and monitor your Cloud Containers, there's a new "Production Mode" setting within their environment variables. If this setting is off, we'll know that the container isn't production-ready and we won't monitor the website. When it's on, so is our round-the-clock monitoring.

28 March 2024

  • Faster Control Panel updates for Cloud Containers

    A little known fact is the Control Panel is eventually consistent for Cloud Containers. That means if a change is made directly on your server (like a container shuts down) or a job takes longer than we expect, that change will appear in the Control Panel soon(ish). We've now made this process much faster (push vs pull) โ€“ so the rare scenario where information might not have been quite up-to-date is now even rarer!

  • SSH/SFTP sessions get the boot less

    When logged into a container via SSH/SFTP there were certain scenarios where your session could be rudely terminated, one example being when a database was created and linked to that container. This was annoying, so we've carefully audited this behaviour to improve our manners and will no longer unceremoniously destroy sessions unless it is absolutely required.

24 January 2024

  • New Cloud Container servers now default to MariaDB, not MySQL

    Every time you spin up a new Cloud Container server, a database container is automatically created. This used to be a MySQL container, but we've now switched to MariaDB. MySQL is still an option, just not the default. Only new servers will be affected. You can read why we've made this change on the blog.

18 January 2024

  • NodeJS 20 image added to Cloud Container platform

    The heading says it all, really. We've released a new service image for Cloud Containers, NodeJS 20. To upgrade older NodeJS containers is a simple matter of swapping images (the Knowledge Base explains how) - and then checking that your application still works, of course.

11 January 2024

  • Bulk domain renewal

    Managing a lot of domains? Now you can select as many of them as you like, and then renew them all at once. This time-saver has been requested a lot, and we're looking forward to seeing it get plenty of use.

  • Volumes extended to Cloud Containers running service images

    Volumes have been out for a few months, letting you share files and folders across mulitple Cloud Containers. The most recent update lets you attach Volumes to service containers. If you're new to Volumes, relive August's launch in the blog or get full details from the knowledge base.

05 December 2023

  • API tweaks to container end points and docs

    A few updates for users of the SiteHost API, mostly concerning dates on container end points. First, you can now see the created and date_updated information for container servers via the cloud/server/list_all endpoint. Secondly, the cloud/server/list_all, cloud/stack/list_all and cloud/stack/image/list_all endpoints now let you pass an updated_since parameter to only return items that have been modified on or after the specified date. All these changes are noted in our API documentation which has also had a once-over to fix some mistakes and clarify example code.

31 October 2023

  • Improvements to viewing Volumes in the Control Panel

    When you click on Volumes in the Control Panel you'll see all Volumes across your servers, rather than just the Volumes on the first alphabetical server. Super useful!

    Conversely when viewing Volumes for a specific container, we default to only showing you Volumes that are attached to that container. Also super useful!

  • Better error handling for container cloning when no space is available

    If your attempt to Clone or Overwrite a container fails due to your server's storage being full, we'll now provide more useful error messages.

30 October 2023

  • Better Cloud Container activity logs

    We've done a nip and tuck on a whole bunch of messages and logs for Cloud Containers, so when you're in the Control Panel and viewing your Account ยป Activity Logs, things should be much clearer and less noisy.

  • Respecting ownership on container clone

    In some cases we weren't respecting the ownership of files when cloning a container on the same server. This would result in the files being owned by root, which is bad. This has been fixed and files will correctly stay as www-data.

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